Alyssa's Angle

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I didn’t choose a word of the year this year. I didn’t make any big resolutions. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with either of those things — normally I do choose a word. But this year, I just didn’t feel the need, or even desire to do so. I’m not set out to crush any major goals or make any radical changes. But that doesn’t mean I’m not excited or hopeful for 2021. Actually, I’m really excited.

I’m excited to continue to do more of this — more snuggling and playing with these two girls.

To continue to practice being intentional in the way I parent them, what words I am speaking, the ways I’m disciplining, how I’m showing each of them love;

To continue to try to drink 8 cups of water a day and move my body in some way, even if it’s just walking back and forth in my back yard;

To continue to practice loving my body, with good food and vitamins, rest when needed, positive words when I look in the mirror and when the craving comes, a chocolate shake and French fries;

To continue to learn how to communicate when I’m hurt or angry, to practice not holding things in;

To continue to turn the tv off and pick up a book.

To continue pursuing my job because it’s something I enjoy, and providing the best quality of work for my clients that I can do, while also setting healthy boundaries for work time + family time;

To continue to try to find ways to better love and appreciate my husband and invest in our relationship, because gosh marriage and raising kids is hard sometimes;

To continue showing up and trying to serve people the best way I know how, whether that’s a hot meal, some fresh cookies or a loving embrace;

To practice practically living out the Gospel in my everyday life, even in the mundane tasks of keeping a home and raising little ones;

To continue trying to challenge myself and provide opportunities for growth, and acknowledging convictions, rather than trying to justify them.

Maybe you’re thinking “continue” should be my word, but if that’s the case, then “continue” will be my word every year, because really, every year is a continuation of who we are as we continue trying to go deeper in our passions and improve or pursue the things we love.

So here’s to 2021, to continuing to do all the things I love with all the people I love while being deeply loved by my Creator.