Audrey’s Birth
Motherhood Alyssa Horton Motherhood Alyssa Horton

Audrey’s Birth

I remember waking up Thursday, April 30th and thinking, “this is it.” I kept questioning my sanity and telling myself, “stop it, that’s just silly” — To think I knew that this was the last day of my pregnancy, crazy right? (Although I did call the exact day with my first, and was right about it, so maybe it’s not so crazy.)

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Shepherd on the Search - Christmas Advent for Kids
Activities, Motherhood Alyssa Horton Activities, Motherhood Alyssa Horton

Shepherd on the Search - Christmas Advent for Kids

Celebrate the Advent season this Christmas with your children in a way that they will understand, while making lasting memories as you journey with the Shepherd on his search for Baby Jesus. Teach them the Christmas story for the first time or simply remind them what Christmas is truly about while you embark on daily ADVENTures with the Shepherd on the Search.

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20 Gift Ideas for Babies (0-12 M)
Motherhood, Activities Alyssa Horton Motherhood, Activities Alyssa Horton

20 Gift Ideas for Babies (0-12 M)

If you've followed me for any amount of time, you know I don't like a lot of toys, as in, I don't like to have a lot of "toys" in my home. It sounds a little harsh, but trust me, my kids still have fun and they do have toys, just maybe not as many as the marketers make us out to believe they need. I'm not a toy pro by any means, but if you're trying to simplify the shopping list or buy toys that are long lasting and educational, then here is a list of 20 of my favorites for the 0-12 month age.

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Alyssa Horton Alyssa Horton

Prime Day Deals for Kids

Okay, I’m not a huge Prime Day person because in the past, the deals really haven’t been that great. BUT — I did find some real deals this year, so here are a few of my favorite kid’s toys, most are wooden, some are great for outside or traveling.

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Pastors are human, too.
Faith, Motherhood Alyssa Horton Faith, Motherhood Alyssa Horton

Pastors are human, too.

Though they may carry a title that has unsaid or unmet expectations by many, they are still in fact just as human as you are, walking through this same hard life that you are, enduring sickness, struggles and frustrations, just as you are.

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